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Web Crew

WEB Crew's Mission


WEB’s mission is to successfully transition 7th graders by addressing the three fundamental transition needs that every student has: Safety, Information and Connection.

Do you want to become a WEB Leader?

  • You will be required to come to school 4 days early for training and orientation
  • You will have weekly evaluations of yourself as a student leaders.
  • You will plan and run social followups and academic follow ups for your peers.
  • You will be required to participate in some kind of service project and log your hours.
  • WEB leaders have an important role on campus that must be taken seriously, as student role models, you will be RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL and SAFE at all times.

Applications will go out in Late April.  Listen for the announcements or see one of our coordinators. 

The WEB Elective

The WEB elective is a fundamental part of training and preparing 8th grade leaders to mentor and connect with 7th grade students as they transition.  These 8th graders will serve as leaders on campus for various activities, Social Follow Ups, and in the classroom as role models, Academic Follow Ups.  They lead lessons on bullying, organization, communication and many more topics that concern the transition to middle school.

WEB places 8th grade students in a position to connect with 7th graders and create a campus community.  The curriculum focuses on character development, leadership, anti-bullying, and service. The goal of these topics is to encourage student leaders to grow as students and understand their goals and how to achieve them.

Grading Policy:
20% Assignments

20% Projects
20% Evaluations
20% Participation in Events
20% Community Service Hours

What is an Academic Follow Up?
Academic follow ups occur in the classroom with a designated WEB leader.  WEB leaders prepare a lesson to present to the class that teaches students a skill that is useful for the transition into middle school life. WEB leaders will usually do a small activity and end with reflection so students have time to process what was learned during the period.  These are an integral part of the program that allows 7th graders to learn from their peers.

What is a Social Follow Up?
Social follow ups occur outside the classroom and are usually school wide events to develop community.  WEB leaders will connect with the 7th grade WEB crew at these events and develop a stronger sense of community. Students are encouraged to attend activities on campus and get involved in clubs or intramurals to develop connections.

Ways to Stay Informed

WEB Coordinators:
Mrs. Vasquez lisa_vasquez@cjusd.netExt. 8133   Room E2

Mr. Rodriguez christopher_rodrigue@cjusd.netExt. 8126    Room E4

Remind- THMS WEB

Twitter- @THMSWEBcrew

Instagram- thmswebcrew_cjusd